
小琉球 比基尼 世足賽 主播 生田斗真 

哇~What a nice song!!!!
請上Youtube,"The Killers"的歌曲--Human
‧貫穿這首歌的主要歌詞"are we human or are we dancer"是來自於作家 Hunter S. Thompson 的一句話 "America was raising a generation of dancers." 意思是說,現代的人沒有足夠的勇氣去挑戰新事物害怕嘗試新事物,只能按照所鋪好的路走(既定的舞步)。Human by The Killers‧以下是我比較偏好的翻譯版本,原文來自於 Turdidae Danced In Flower‧昊鶇舞華:
   I did my best to notice   我盡全力去注意   when the call came down the line   當那呼喚來臨時   up to the platform of surrender   在那屈服者的平臺上   I was brought but I was kind   其實我是被帶來的,我本性並沒有這麼的壞   and sometimes I get nervous   有些時候我也會感到緊張   when I see an open door   尤其當我面對一扇敞開的門
  close your eyes  閉上雙眼   clear your heart   屏除雜念 cut the cord   斬斷那些束縛 [副歌]   are we human or are we dancer  究竟我們是萬物之靈,或者隨波逐流的舞者   my sign is vital, my hands are cold  我精力充沛,雙手卻徹寒刺骨   and I'm on my knees  我屈膝跪地   looking for the answer   祈求一個答案   are we human or are we dancer   究竟我們是萬物之靈,或者隨波逐流的舞者 
  pay my respects to grace and virtue   我對恩典與美德付出敬意   send my condolences to good   向美好的事物致上悼念   give my regards to soul and romance   重視人的精神與浪漫情懷   they always did the best they could   因為它們始終維持著最好的一面   and so long to devotion,   長久以來鞠躬盡瘁   you taught me everything I know  你教會了一切我所知的事物   wave good bye, wish me well   揮手道別吧,祝我一切順利 
  you gotta let me go  你得讓我離開    [重覆副歌]
  will your system be all right   不曉得你是否身體平安   when you dream of home tonight   當你夢見家鄉   there is no message we're receiving   即使我倆之間沒有任何聯繫   let me know is your heart still beating   請讓我知道,你的心是否依然跳動 
  are we human or are we dancer  究竟我們是萬物之靈,或者隨波逐流的舞者   my sign is vital, my hands are cold  我精力充沛,雙手卻徹寒刺骨   and I'm on my knees  我屈膝跪地   looking for the answer   祈求一個答案 
  you've gotta let me know  你得讓我知道    [重覆副歌]
  are we human or are we dancer   究竟我們是萬物之靈,或者隨波逐流的舞者 
  are we human or are we dancer   究竟我們是萬物之靈,或者隨波逐流的舞者 



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